Tuesday, July 6, 2010

#256 - Stupid Timetable

The reason why I am dreading tomorrow ie. Wednesday.
3 periods of GP, 3 periods of History Tutorial and 2 periods of History Lecture.
8 freaking periods straight.
And following that 2 periods of break and Civics.
Civics at such a timing? Wtf stupid right.

Thinking of what to make for breakfast now so that I'd ready for the 4 hours tomorrow.
I have to stuff myself full every Wednesday from now on. :(

SIDETRACK A LITTLE: Nehneh, Idk why the Principal has to make the Drinks store stop selling sandwiches and burgers in the morning. If you claim that burgers are unhealthy, then fine, no more selling of them. But sandwiches too? Now I have no breakfast and have to make my own early in the morning. RAHH.


Anyway, as though to make up for it, Friday's lessons are a breeze. :D
3 periods of GP, 2 periods of break and 3 periods of Physics.
Wait for 1hour then home sweet home. :)
Just hope the other teachers won't take advantage of this fact and make us stay back for extra lessons.

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