I miss blogging.
So I am breaking my hiatus for a while to blog. :)
These days spent were boring and I actually cannot wait for Promos to come so that I can take it and get it over with. JJ's student counsillors even placed up banners to encourage us to strive on.
Orange! :D
Haha I am bored actually. Oh and I am currently addicted to Down by Jay Sean and Lovedrunk by Boys Like Girls. (rock)
I really cannot wait for Promos to end so that I can shop with the doh bitches, go 'clubbing' with the doh bitches, perhaps bake with the doh bitches, plurk with plurkloves and then hopefully mahjong at Mama's house *looks at Mama* with the Clique7. :D And lastly not forgetting the SHRIMS SS, which I think is kind of drifting apart except for the 4 in JJ. T.T
Bye I shall go mug for GP already. :(:(
Time flies when you're having fun.