Wednesday, July 15, 2009

#119 -

Hehe, I finally know the trick to keep myself awake during lessons:

By constantly poking myself with a mechanical pencil on my arms.

I was kept awake thanks to the poking.

Thanks to Nana (pronounced as Neh Neh) the SiaoTeBah. (Crazy piece of porku).

Haha Nana taught me this trick when I asked her to keep me awake. She just took my pencil and poked me with it. I was taken aback by shock and also pain. Thus I became awake! Whoo!

Anyway, Skunk (Me) Plurk-ed with Nana the SiaoTeBah (Raine), Beaver (Lynette) and Burger Mama (Huiyi) in school today. So fun! Wanna do that again soon even though Karma don't rise for us! :)

For those who dk what Plurk is, it's something like Twitter but is wayyyyyy fun-ner.
For those who dk what Twitter is, go find out yourself. :)

Plurk's the new MSN y'know!

Go go go join Plurk now! :D (And no, Plurk so didn't pay me for this.)

Lastly, I'm super elated because I just got orange nail polish and got my toenails done! Now they look so hot! :D:D

Sighs affectionately.

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