Tuesday, March 31, 2009

#69 -

I am left alone now, to fight this battle.
No help from anyone, no nothing.
Not anymore.

Dear Heaven or whoever that's up there,
please let the pain and troubles be gone soon.

I can't take it anymore.

Well, after reading your latest entry, I can only say I wish for all the best in everything you do.

But I've got something to ask.

Even if our friendship ends, does it mean we have to be so serious towards each other in the future if we meet, that perhaps if I crack a joke or try to be funny ever again, you wouldn't laugh? Would you even acknowledge/catergorise me as your friend? Or I am just a mere stranger to you now?

I supposed you'd get what I am trying to express here, I am not good with words.

Please do reply. I want an answer.

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