Sunday, December 27, 2009

#181 - Bad Dream

I had a super duper bad dream today morning. It was so real I feel I had to post this up to 'remind' myself.

It was about The (Doh) Bitches. Like omg lah, the dream felt so real and I woke up crying lor. -.-

-Dream Start-

I was outside on my own shopping that day and I saw Raine and Lynette shopping together. And then I felt super sad because they didn't even ask me out. So I went forward to approach them and 'confront' them.

And Raine, upon seeing me just stomped off with HATRED in her eyes. So I was like kind of taken aback and asked Lynette why Raine did this.

Scene changed from shopping mall to my house corridor. (don't ask me why, my dreams are always so illogical)

Then she told me that actually Raine hates me to the core. And then she gave examples like for example, Raine hates it whenever she sleeps in class and I just have to wake her up. (The sleeping part is so freaking true that I thought everything that was happening was real and not a dream please)

Then she gave more examples and then I got so sad. And I told her I did all these because I care for Raine. *inserts vomit sound* Lynette then nodded since she agreed with me.

Scene changed again, from my house corridor to a bus.

And so Lynette and I continued our conversation. Then suddenly some random stranger came up and she told me secretly that Lynette hates me too.

Wah, can you imagine the pain when you know 2 of your closest friends hate you? Omg, like thousand knives pierced through my heart at that moment manz. And I was thinking, so now what? I have no more friends left. My life in JJC would be just study and study and study. No laughters or fun or whatsoever at all.

Then I started crying.

And then I asked Lynette if it was true she hated me. And she said as-a-matter-of-fact-ly, a YES. So I asked her why. I had to know the reason, I mean you can't just hate someone for no particular reason right?

And she started to explain. Took her so long to say them out. My eyes were already tearing from this piece of devastating news that 2 of my friends hated me so much and that they didn't even tell me at all and pretend to friend me. :(

Just as she was about to speak out, my alarm clock rang. -.-


And I woke up, panicking and relieved that it was ONLY a dream. OMGZ manz, my face was wet with tears canz!

So with this dream, I learnt to treasure my friends around me more and I learnt the importance of having friends, especially closed ones and how much they meant to me. Thanks for being my friend. :)

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